Discover 5 benefits of digitalization for companies

The digitization of companies is already a reality. There are more and more processes that depend on digital tools, such as analysis software or automation systems, among others. Therefore, it is important to be clear about the benefits related to the topic.

In an interview, 62% of professionals said they believe that technological advances will result in more opportunities for the future. In addition, 74% of professionals highlighted that, in the last 5 years, their functions have changed due to technology. These are expressive numbers and reflect the new reality in business.

Ahead, we delve deeper into the subject. We explain what the digitalization of companies is and what are the 5 main benefits related to the subject.

Continue reading carefully!

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What does the digitalization of companies mean?

Digitization refers to the process of replacing manual processes with digital ones, made with the help of cutting-edge technologies. Often, this transition makes it possible to automate tasks and remote work, which are essential today. For a long time, the digitization of companies has been a promise. To this day, in several articles, it is treated as a trend for the future of work.

However, the truth is that it is already a reality and impacts companies and their professionals, as well as end customers. In response, several companies had to adopt the home office, boosting remote work and the application of new digital tools for the maintenance of daily operations.

What are the 5 main benefits of corporate digitization?

There are many benefits related to digitization. As it invests in new digital tools and remote work, a company can improve its results and obtain specific advantages, such as flexibility.

Ahead, we punctuate the benefits.

Increased work flexibility

For a long time, work was somewhat rigid. It was necessary to do it in a certain place and during a certain time, because there were the tools necessary for the work. Therein lies the first benefit of digitization: increased flexibility. Nowadays, digitalization makes it possible to talk about things like remote work and global teams. In these cases, daily tasks are done over the Internet and all tools are available online. That is, professionals can work in several locations.

This greater flexibility provides subsequent benefits for companies, such as the greater potential for adaptation to ongoing changes, increased employee satisfaction, and greater ease in innovation. Thus, both company and talents win.

Increased agility in performing tasks

Another great benefit of digitizing companies is the increase in speed. For many years, the work had to be done completely manually, which required a lot of time and energy. Currently, several tasks can be optimized and even automated, allowing managers and teams to gain agility at work.

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Take, for example, recruitment and selection (R&S): with digitalization, several stages of R&S have gained more agility and precision, allowing decision-makers to save time and focus on what is strategic. It is important to highlight that greater agility results in a more competitive company, capable of taking advantage of market trends and being one step ahead of competitors. Therefore, its benefits are profound.

Increased focus on strategic

In an interview, when professionals were asked about the greatest impact of digital transformation on their activities, the main answer was: I stopped doing operational tasks and started to act strategically, appointed by 35% of the respondents.

In fact, increasing the focus on what is strategic is a great benefit. With digitalization, many of the operational tasks (more repetitive and bureaucratic) can be left to the technology, and the professional focuses more on what is strategic and decisive.

For talents, this provides more quality of life, a sense of purpose, and focus on what matters. For the company, it promotes greater strategic orientation, quality in operational routines, and alignment of the workforce. That is, there are many advantages.

Reduction of non-strategic costs

Many companies stop investing in what is modern for fear of being expensive and affecting the project’s net margins. The reality, however, is that digital transformation reduces non-strategic costs, those that harm companies. Think about costs associated with complex and time-consuming work, as well as expenses arising from errors, problems, and inconsistencies throughout the working day. Anyway, there are many.

In addition, they affect the quality of what is done, resulting in more complaints from end customers. The digital transformation reduces costs by making the company more “lean”, agile and precise in what needs to be done. Thus, expenses with errors and failures are avoided, in addition to expenses arising from delays. Therefore, it becomes possible to build a more profitable company.

Workforce optimization

The workforce is composed of the sum of the professionals who are part of the company, as well as the synergy generated with the alignment. As the workforce grows, the company can achieve better results and better serve end customers.

Again, digitizing the business is of great help. It simplifies hiring, training, aligning, and retaining talent with behavioral and technical skills in line with the company’s culture. In this way, it benefits all the daily work.

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How does digitalization impact the future of work?

Digitization is already a reality and promotes substantial changes. However, it also impacts the future of work. It is estimated that 85% of the professions that will exist until 2030 have not yet been created, largely due to technological advances.

Because of this, it is really difficult to say the exact direction of the future of work, but one thing is certain: it will continue to change. This implies specific challenges, such as continuous learning and adaptation; but it promotes even greater benefits, both for companies and professionals, such as flexibility and agility throughout the working day.

See, now you are on top of the subject and know the benefits of digitalization for companies. Remember that digital transformation is already a reality and influences businesses of all types and sizes, as well as the future of work.